Dim­Di­ary is about the inter­play of space and light, illus­trat­ed by the Aus­tralian con­ti­nent and skies. Pho­tographs unfold large panora­mas, writ­ings con­tribute to the dis­played, some texts move on to a larg­er All. Text becomes con-text, mus­es about the pow­er of the native, the epis­te­molo­gies of space and light, their aes­thet­i­cal involve­ment in beau­ty and the sub­lime. Where the images ‘col­lect’ por­tions of the imme­di­ate sur­round­ings, the indi­vis­i­ble All implies a the­o­ret­i­cal more. When per­fect image res­o­lu­tion con­nects view­point to infin­i­ty, macro and micro per­form a visu­al one­ness. Then Ter­ra Incog­ni­ta appears as a dual prop­er­ty of par­a­digm, ancient as young, roamed like set­tled. A por­trait of tran­si­tion: between imme­di­ate and dis­tant, dark and bright, black and white, red and organ­ic, cold and heat, wet and dry, water and thirst, 0 and — breath­ing in and breath­ing out.

Like in an aes­thet­ic lab­o­ra­to­ry, we pho­to­graph DimDiary’s space and light under the con­di­tion of con­strained sen­so­ry per­cep­tion – at night. Reduced light dimin­ish­es the life spend­ing com­fort of the day lit and decreas­es the uncer­tain­ties expe­ri­enced in total dark­ness. It affects the per­cep­tion and the cog­ni­tion on atten­tive lev­els: sit­u­a­tion­al­ly by the instinc­tive rise of mind­ful­ness, post-ratio­nal­ly in a deep­er reflec­tion of the very expe­ri­ence: pic­to­ri­al­ly by the tran­scrip­tion of panoram­i­cal tableaux. Dim­Di­ary pub­lish­es Vol­ume I, II, III.

DD Vol­ume I The Ero­sion of Bound­ary pho­tographs the nature of wilder­ness and con­strues of its pres­ence as light and space. DD Vol­ume II Geo­met­ric Envi­ron­ments pho­tographs the evo­lu­tion of pit and sub­urb and the­o­rizes about space as a pair­ing of mass and void, and light as a dual prop­er­ty of mat­ter and wave. DD Vol­ume III Dichotomies pho­tographs the black man at day and the white man at night, lay­ers sen­si­tive per­cep­tion of real­i­ty with phys­i­cal con­struc­tivism of quan­tum mod­el.